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Ready to write again...


May 31st 2020 seemed like a very long time ago but it always felt like it was yesterday for me. I have always wanted to continue my blog after the passing of my beloved father but it was difficult for me to even begin writing as I am reminded of him through the post I wrote of his passing.

I miss my dad everyday. I can still remember our talks, the time I spent with him. I can still hear his laughter, feel his hugs. How I missed these important gestures. We take these small gestures for granted and until you lose someone you love dearly, you realised how important these are. Now, I value my family the most. However busy we are and wherever we may be, we need to try to find the time to be with family or speak to them as much as we can as time is fragile and life can be too short. There are still days when I wake up and want to call my dad and just wish him "Good morning" and have a "Nice day" but then I realised he is not with us anymore.

But I think, writing about my regular musings may help me. Like some form of therapy. So I hope I can start to write my blog again and share some of my thoughts on anything and everything.

What are my goals or aspirations as 2022 is ending and the COVID pandemic is almost over....

1) Visit my mom and sister in KL more often

2) Spend more time with my husband and daughter

3) Work harder( or maybe smarter) and try to help my patients at SL Aesthetics feel and look better

4) Hope to make a change in 2023...not sure what sort but hopefully it can impact those around me and for the better

5) START WRITING AGAIN. I do have lots to share....they are definitely in the works.

My next post would be on my reflection of 2022 as now is already December

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